

Last photographs taken in London before going back to Barcelona for Summer. 


Hello Operator

This is the result of my last project of the academic year. It's based on the aesthetics of De Stijl, and I have been playing around with the notions of Representation linked to photography. Is the figurative representation given by the photographic image the one we should approach to comprehend what we see? Or is abstract representation offering us a wider range of understanding and interpretation?

Patterns and strong lines making up structures are some elements that appeal to me when looking for photographs. In the city, this patterned buildings might relate to the stereotypical idea of the grey, overpopulated city where everyone lives in the same sort of cubicle. Saturated by the amount of choices we are given in our every day life, we end up following the same sort of pre-designed routines and paths. 

I found my train of thought very influenced by the atmosphere of George Orwell's 1984 novel, which I was reading when developing the project, but still I don't know to what extend we can identify with Orwell's dystopian society nowadays.