
Rorschach Test

I think the experimentation is leading me to an answer for the memory's brief!

Having a look at the results of my first experiments of the Action Developing I realized how much they reminded me of that kind of psychological test called Rorschach Test... and researching a bit about this test I found out that it could be related to memory, as the interpretations the subject is giving to the ink stains come from his/her memories.

With this in mind, this morning I took some digital pictures of a clock/necklace, inverted the colors and printed them on some wasted film I had in my room. Then, I developed the pictures in the darkroom using the same technique as on Friday, but this time trying to control the liquid to get a more or less symmetrical image.



  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. You can also take the pics into photoshop and illustrator for further experiments. (contrast, scale, position, colors, collage, whatever...)

    One idea: http://goo.gl/v9fjh

    then you can print the new versions on a negative again and develop them with spray... and do the whole thing again, and again and again...

    might help with the project
